Thursday, October 17, 2013

The Manitoban Candidate

Thank you America! I live in a country where it is common knowledge that the president accepted under the table payments of embezzled party funds, but you guys have made this banana republic seem like a functioning first world democracy.
Watching a small band of lunatics hold the country hostage in a failed attempt to deny the poorest amongst you cheaper healthcare has been a surreal experience, and this from the vantage point of a place where the king's own daughter was a front for shady land deals.
Watching the laughable debacle known as the Tea Party squirm around like a senile old uncle with shit in his pants sitting at Thanksgiving dinner and complaining about the smell has led me to one conclusion: beware of Ted Cruz! Now, my liberal friends, I see you smugly shaking your heads and saying "yeah, thanks, we know" but actually I'm not talking to you. I'm talking to you conservative dupes: Ted Cruz is obviously a Canadian spy. Crazy like a fox Teddy boy has obviously been sent across the border to infiltrate and undermine the Republican party. How else do you explain the actions of a guy who acts like dragging the party's popularity into the sewer is some sort of grand victory, and who, on his first day back at work, continues to  act like a spoilt child by holding up a government nomination over a moot law. This is the work of a master agent provocateur. He will not stop until the Republican party has been decimated and communism rules the land. And you idiots want to run him for president. 

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