Friday, April 27, 2012

Free Album!

Unlike Radiohead and Nine Inch Nails, Les Fat Jones are not a band with a singular vision who achieved huge worldwide success without compromising that vision.
However, much like Radiohead and Nine Inch Nails, Les Fat Jones are giving away our album on the internet.
We recorded it in December and have grown impatient with it growing e-dust on the i-shelf it's been sitting on. Therefore, while we move forward with new songs and more shows, we have decided to offer it to anyone who wants it. Go to the link below and take it. Please.

If you like it and have some extra change in your pocket, you can deposit it into Paypal at

Please send this link to anyone and everyone you know. We want our music to spread like a poppy, hooky plague.

We hope you like it. We do.

UPDATE: You can download directly from the link. It doesn't ask for you email address. Just click on "download".

1 comment:

  1. Downloaded.
    I have enjoyed it. It's not like the music from that "cult" you belonged to, *but still visit on occasion*, but it is enjoyable.
    See you in NC in a couple of weeks.
